March 2020

EUAM news

EUAM responds to spread of Coronavirus in Ukraine

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Digital solution allows EUAM to overcome Covid-19 restrictions with first webinar
EUAM launches ‘Knowledge Hub’ in Odesa with environmental crime workshop

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EUAM Head of Mission: Ukraine is now ‘a better place for women and girls’

EUAM and UAWLE visit Kyiv school to speak about women in law-enforcement

EU Advisory Mission Ukraine (EUAM) experts, joined by the representatives of the Ukrainian Association of Women in Law Enforcement (UAWLE), visited Kyiv School #112 for an ‘open’ lesson on the occasion of the International Women’s Day to be marked on Sunday. After a brief introduction by EUAM’s Gender Adviser Agata Szymanska, the guests, one by one, shared their stories.
The nine- and ten-graders, attending the open lesson, were excited to hear about the work of a female prosecutor in Sweden (Petra Maansson from EUAM), female police officer in Ukraine (Olha Yuskevych from Kyiv Police/UAWLE), female community policing officer from Finland (Nina Pelkonen from EUAM), as well as one and only in Ukraine female diver & rescuer from the State Emergency Service (Oksana Chekhmestrenko, UAWLE).

EUAM and UAWLE visit Kyiv school to speak about women in law-enforcement

Domestic violence: simulation training for police in Kropyvnytskyi

This is the second in our series of videos on domestic violence, an issue now in even sharper focus with the Covid-19 lockdown. Just before the restrictions came into force, EUAM experts from Mobile Unit 1 delivered a three-day training in response to domestic and gender-based violence to the newly established Mobile Police Group of the Main Department of the National Police in Kropyvnytskyi region. Participants complemented theoretical sessions with simulation of several domestic-violence scenarios.
EUAM Ukraine
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