Our mandate and priorities

Our Mandate

Since 2014, EUAM Ukraine has been advising, mentoring, training, and supporting Ukrainian partners in developing a sustainable, accountable, and efficient civilian security sector that strengthens the rule of law.

The Mission provides strategic advice and practical support for specific reform measures in accordance with EU standards and international principles of good governance and human rights, including in support of Ukraine’s EU accession-related commitments.

In 2022, EUAM Ukraine’s mandate was adjusted to address Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, most notably to facilitate the investigation and prosecution of international crimes.

On 14 May 2024, the EU Member States, through a decision by the EU Council of Ministers, reinforced the Mission and intensified its efforts in Ukraine, extending the mandate from 1 June 2024 to 31 May 2027.

Within the current mandate, EUAM works closely with its Ukrainian partners to assist them in implementing the Overarching Strategic Plan for the Reform of the Entire Law Enforcement Sector (OAS) and its Action Plan, as well as other relevant reforms across the civilian security sector.

With the liberation of parts of Ukraine from Russian occupation, the Mission supports the Ukrainian authorities in re-establishing government functions and the rule of law there.

EUAM Ukraine contributes to a broader international effort aimed at ensuring accountability for international crimes committed during the full-scale invasion, including by building Ukraine’s capacity to investigate and prosecute them.

The Mission is also mandated to support the Ukrainian authorities in improving border management, not least through facilitating closer cooperation between involved agencies. Strengthening Ukraine’s capacities in Integrated Border Management is crucial for the country’s EU integration and for preventing and combating border-related and transnational crime, such as all forms of smuggling and trafficking in human beings, small arms and light weapons (SALW).


Our Priorities

The Mission has four priorities through which it supports the reform of Ukraine’s civilian security sector and builds the capacity to respond to wartime challenges and post-war related needs.

Our Cross-Cutting Measures

EUAM Ukraine ensures that principles of Good Governance, Anti-Corruption, Human Rights and Gender Equality are integrated as cross-cutting measures into all Mission activities.

Our Lines of Operation

EUAM Ukraine’s mandate is implemented through three lines of operation:

Strategic advice on civilian security sector reform, in particular, to develop strategic documents and legislation;

Operational support for the implementation of reforms through capacity building, training, and practical support for the civilian security sector;

Cooperation and coordination focus on supporting Ukrainian partners in developing cohesive and effective coordination mechanisms, both at national and international levels.