Ukrainian prosecutors’ study trip to France focuses on fair and effective performance evaluation
September 21, 2017
A fair evaluation of career performance, for example, rewarding individuals who excel, while providing support for staff who may have difficulties meeting their professional obligations is a key factor in staff motivation and productivity. The EU Advisory Mission Ukraine (EUAM) is consequently supporting Ukraine develop a new performance evaluation system for prosecutors, and as a component of this assistance, financed a study trip for senior Ukrainian prosecutors to France from 18-21 September. In addition to meetings to find out about France’s performance evaluation system for prosecutors, the trip also offered opportunities to discover more about France’s judicial system more widely.
“EUAM has set up working groups on performance evaluation with the regional prosecutors’ offices in Kharkiv, Lviv and Odesa and we are glad to have been able to bring senior prosecutors from each of these regions to France alongside Ukrainian prosecutors from a central level,” said Rosalyn Sheehan, EUAM Deputy Head of Operations. “We hope that the knowledge acquired during this trip will complement the progress being made in the working groups and will soon lead to successful pilot projects that will result in better motivated and more effective prosecutors.”
During the trip, the Ukrainian delegation met with Jean-Marc Coquentin, the Deputy Prosecutor of France and Vincent Lesclous, Prosecutor of the District Court of Versailles and member of the Superior Council of Judges and Prosecutors of France, among others. The group also visited France’s main school for prosecutors, the National School for the Judiciary, and were also hosted by France’s Directorate for Judicial Services.