Trilateral training: EUAM enhances border-security cooperation between police, customs and border guards
March 01, 2019
The European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM) yesterday concluded a three-day training aimed to improve trilateral cooperation between the National Police of Ukraine (NPU), the State Border Guard Service (SBGS) and the customs service in relation to cross-border security and crime.
The main objective of this trilateral cooperation is the exchange of data and information between agencies in order to increase efficiency at operational level. Through joint planning the NPU, SBGS and customs service can provide coordinated and effective responses to the threats posed by transnational criminal networks, smugglers, terrorists, etc.
Apart from inter-agencydata exchange, the training covered other European best practices such as works of joint investigation teams and mechanisms of joint control. The training was delivered by experts from the Czech Police and Czech Customs Administration.
“Understanding each other’s goals and objectives is a critical aspect of good cooperation between police, border guards and customs. It allows agencies properly delineate common areas of intervention and joint strategies,” said Brian Richard,EUAM Head of Strategic Civilian Security Sector Reform Component. “The training is a precursor to a heightened cooperative approach between police, customs and border guard services, and political will is necessary to formalize this more efficient working relationship.”
The training will be followed up by a donation of dog trailers for canine units of the NPU, SBGS and the State Fiscal Service. This equipment will enable improved transfer of detector dogs to airports, ports, or where needed to fight criminal activities.