Solving local security problems effectively – EUAM Ukraine conducts workshops in Odesa communities
June 15, 2023
Last week, European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM) Ukraine experts went to the Safyany and Reni communities in the Odesa region, where they conducted workshops on effective communication and problem-solving techniques. The obtained skills will help members of Citizens Advisory Groups (CAGs), launched in January 2023, to find solutions to safety and security problems quickly and constructively. As an example, CAGs members will be able to deal with security issues in the area of traffic safety, property crimes, vandalism and hooliganism.
Georgios Pokas, EUAM Ukraine’s expert on general policing, enlarged on the SARA (Scanning, Analysis, Respond, Assess) problem-solving model and illustrated how it could be used in the work of GACs stating that “Safety and security concern every member of the community, not only the police,” adding that “Citizen Advisory Groups enable community representatives to express their concerns and suggest solutions to existing problems. EUAM Ukraine will support launched CAGs and provide more training sessions, particularly in mediation and conflict management.”
Find out more about the Mission’s initiative on CAGs launched in Odesa, Mykolaiv and Kirovohrad regions here.