Implementation of new strategy for public safety advances in Kharkiv
April 19, 2018
The first working session to implement new methods for improving the safety and security of Kharkiv residents by proactively seeking the views of the public and promoting multi-agency cooperation took place today. It was organised by the EU Advisory Mission Ukraine (EUAM) and attended by representatives of the local Regional State Administration and law enforcement agencies.
The strategy, which was approved by the Kharkiv Regional Parliament in December 2017, represents a new way of working for the agencies tasked with keeping the public safe. Kharkiv is the first region in Ukraine to be implementing such a new approach, which was developed locally with the support of EUAM. It is based on public consultation, including a wide-ranging survey which took place in 2017, and has mechanisms for integrating public feedback over the two years it will be implemented. Moreover, it is the result of cooperation between law enforcement agencies as well as cooperation with civil society and citizens.
“The Regional Public Safety and Order Programme for the Kharkiv region applies principles and methods that are common in EU countries,” said Verner Pedersen, EUAM Regional Coordinator for Kharkiv. “As Ukraine draws closer to the EU, we hope that such approaches for creating and implementing strategies will be widespread. We congratulate the Kharkiv authorities for taking this step, and are committed to supporting them over the whole implementation period and we are looking forward to continue our very fine cooperation”.
The six priorities of the strategy are: public order and crime in public spaces; property crime; juvenile delinquency; preventing corruption and enhancing human rights in law enforcement agencies; road traffic safety; and, response times to emergency incidents.