Mykolaiv Community Police Officers Learn Effective Communication and Conflict De-escalation Techniques.

June 25, 2024

A high level of cooperation with the community results in a significantly reduced need for the use of force by police officers. This joint work builds mutual trust and understanding, allowing law enforcement to work more effectively.

Last week, the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM) Ukraine organised a workshop in Mykolaiv for Territorial Community Police Officers. The aim was to equip them with skills in effective communication and conflict de-escalation.

The officers gathered for a day of interactive learning, participating in role-playing, group activities, and discussions. This hands-on approach helped them grasp the practical aspects of managing conflicts in their communities.

Effective communication methods play a crucial role in multiple aspects of law enforcement. By employing clear and concise communication, officers can significantly reduce personal stress, as misunderstandings and miscommunications are minimised. “Mastering and exercising effective de-escalation techniques accounts for a much higher level of professionalism, lower level of stress, might eliminate administrative or judicial liability, and significantly enhances the trust of the local community towards the police,” says Georgios Pokas, EUAM Senior Adviser on General Policing.

Additionally, when officers communicate effectively, they set a good example for others to follow, demonstrating the importance of clarity and respect in their interactions. This, in turn, builds trust between the community and the police, as citizens feel heard and understood, leading to stronger community relations and cooperation.

When community members feel respected and heard, they are more likely to assist in maintaining public safety, provide valuable information, and comply with legal directives,” explains Jan Danco, EUAM Adviser Trainer on Community Policing. This harmonious relationship not only enhances the overall quality of life but also creates a safer environment for both the public and the officers. “Consequently, the necessity for force diminishes, as potential conflicts are often resolved through dialogue and cooperation,” he adds.

Effective communication promotes proactive policing, encouraging officers to work collaboratively with the community to prevent crime and improve public safety,” Olha Radkevych, EUAM Training Officer, mentions.

The Mission will continue to support its counterparts, including community police officers, to better equip them with the necessary skills and techniques to enhance public safety and build stronger, more cooperative relationships with the communities they serve.