SSAT at EUMM Georgia
November 13, 2014

The duty of care towards deployed staff is fundamental for all CSDP missions.
The European Union’s engagement in providing security outside its borders in post-war and post-disaster situations has become crucial.
Currently the EU runs 11 civilian missions and 5 military operations, mostly in countries that can present major security problems.
The protection of the staff in the field includes inter alia farsighted planning and of course appropriate training.
The staff of the European Advisory Mission to Ukraine, that plans its initial operational capability status for beginning of December, has undergone Safety and Security and Security AwarenessTraining (SSAT) provided by experts from the EU Monitoring Mission in neigboring Georgia.
Nearly 30 EUAM members (including the Head of Mission) spent a whole week on EUMM’s specially furnished training ground in Tbilisi.
The five days course contained driving training on SUVs (off-road driving and vehicle recovery), map reading and GPS practice, a Basic First Aid refresher as well as personal security measures awareness.
Suitable to the current EUAM set up phase team building also was one of the significant additional effects of the training.
This event demonstrates the excellent inter-mission cooperation that goes way beyond the security aspects.