New NABU video produced with EUAM support stresses personal responsibility as central to the fight against corruption

November 07, 2016

On Saturday 5 November, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) released their first social video targeted at the general public. It carries the message ‘The fight against corruption affects everyone – find out how you can help’ and was produced with the support of the EU Advisory Mission Ukraine as part of the Mission’s activities to assist the fight against corruption in Ukraine.

“Corruption is spread in all spheres of our life,” said Svitlana Olifira, Spokesperson at NABU. “That’s why it is everybody’s responsibility to fight it. If you witness top-corruption, you can report it to NABU so we can investigate those cases. We’re grateful to EUAM for assisting us in getting this message across”.

“The EU Advisory Mission continues to support Ukraine’s newly created anti-corruption institutions i.e. NABU, SAPO and NAPC. We also hope to see the swift establishment of the anti-corruption court and the Special Bureau of Investigations,” said Clemens Mueller, EUAM Senior Adviser on Anti-corruption. “It is very important that people know and understand the role and tasks of these new institutions. This is why we have provided financial support for this video and, together with the External Communication Department of NABU, will continue to help raise awareness about NABU’s role in fighting corruption in Ukraine.”

The video has been placed on NABU’s Facebook and YouTube accounts and was viewed over 150,000 times in the 24 hours since it was published. It can be viewed here:

