Law enforcement agencies need integrated reform
October 29, 2015
“Your citizens expect reforms, which will allow them to have more confidence in the police, the judiciary, in the Prosecutors office,” said Kalman Mizsei, Head of the European Union Advisory Mission at the end of an intensive day of stimulating meetings with several agencies in Zaporizhia. It was also the last day of a three-weeks work of a EUAM team in this region.
Mr. Mizsei met also Grygoriy Samardak, Head of Regional Administration, who received for the first time a EUAM delegation. Mr. Samardak described his “clear vision for reform”, and said: “W e have managed to maintain peace in our region. However, now we are working on how to reduce the crime rate, how to eliminate corruption and how to defend human rights. Ukrainians need an law enforcement system they can trust unconditionally, ”

His view was supported by Mr. Mizsei who stressed that the main reform process should start with the police: “You have high crime rate, so it is necessary to concentrate your work on this area.” One of his recommendations: “Low salaries fuel corruption. You need to raise the salaries of the police, so Ukrainians will see that they work merely for the benefit of the citizens. “To counter crime, he said that the Mission is willing to support the police in implementing intelligence-led policing techniques.
But he also mentioned that „ law enforcement agencies need integrated reforms.” Mr. Mizsei believes that Zaporizhia is here an excellent example: the police and prosecutors already enjoy a close relationship when working on cases. The fact that they have offices in the same building facilitates the cooperation and communication.
The EUAM Head of Mission’s visit also raised a lot of interest in the regional media. A longer interview with Mr. Mizsei with Zaporizhia’s regional state TV channel will be broadcast on 29 th October at 20:20 h and on 30th October at 07:30 h.