First International Anti-corruption Conference
November 18, 2015
On 16 November 2015 National Reform Council and the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine with the support of international partners, including EUAM, organized “First International Anti-corruption Conference” in Ukraine. The conference provided a platform for a frank and open dialogue between the state, business and civil society and brought the best international experts from countries that have succeeded in preventing and fighting corruption.

One of the elements of the conference was an interactive stand.

The purpose of this was to gather opinions of the participants on how corruption can be fought in Ukraine. Here are some of the interesting ideas expressed:
“You should start from yourselves, don’t give and don’t take bribes!”
“We need to explain to children from the first year of school that corruption is bad”
“Do not apply to yourselves double standards”
“State should ensure independence of investigators and prosecutors”
“Salaries of state officials must be increased”
“Communication between anti-corruption agencies and civil society has to be established”

If you have more ideas, please, share them with us using the hashtag #IACCUkraine.