EUAM Ukraine Head of Mission Kálmán Mizsei arrives in Kyiv
August 08, 2014

Kálmán Mizsei, appointed as Head of the European Union Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform (EUAM) Ukraine on 24 July by the EUs Political and Security Committee, has arrived in Kyiv to take up his new role.
“I strongly believe that EUAM-Ukraine’s support and advice to the security sector reform framework in Ukraine, focusing on improvements in governance and effective management of efficient and fair law enforcement under democratic and legitimate control, will help secure peace and stability as well as economic prosperity for the country.
In this very ambitious undertaking the fight against corruption is of particular relevance”, said Mr Mizsei upon his arrival in Kyiv.
EUAM Ukraine is an unarmed, non-executive civilian mission under the EUs Common Security and Defence Policy. EU advisers will initially focus on supporting the elaboration of revised security strategies and the rapid implementation of reforms, in coordination and coherence with other EU efforts, as well as with the OSCE and other international partners.