EUAM participates in EU Study Days
October 05, 2015
At the EU Study Days in the famous Ostroh Academy around 50 students were invited to mention the Values the EU stands for. Amongst the mentioned values was the fight against corruption. Ivo Kersten Strategic Border Guards Advisor at the European Union Advisory Mission Ukraine took the students through comparisons between them and his Ukrainian friend, a tradesman.
Whereas combatting corruption was easily identified as a priority, it takes a serious change of mind-set to stop paying bribes. Ivo illustrated a paradox. The price is low in the sense that all of us should simply refuse to offer bribes. The price in effort as well as patience is high. Doing away with corruption was one of the core messages at EuroMaidan. Students, attending the EU Study Days, are the bearers of hope to establish the necessary change of mind-set in Ivo’s Ukrainian friend today as well as countrywide tomorrow. Volodymyr Gushuley, EU Study Days Coordinator, thanked Ivo for the energetic and interactive contribution to the Study Days.
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