EUAM launches a series of public order training exercises in Odesa
January 16, 2020
The National Police and the Patrol Police in Odesa region are learning more about public order management in line with best EU practices during a series of training exercises, conducted by the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM) experts in Odesa.
The training exercises are focused on risk-assessment of mass events and planning of proportionate police response in accordance with human rights and democratic principles. The aim of the table-top exercises is to improve police planning capabilities in order to minimize the risk of violence during public gatherings, demonstrations, sport events, etc.
“This public order approach lies in the facilitation of peaceful assemblies, rather than preventing them from taking place, said Trainer Michael Lokke, EUAM Public Order Adviser. “Minimizing risks of violence requires systematic planning for police engagement at all levels, including an effective chain of command, developed tactics, threat assessment and evaluation of methods to be used during a mass event.”
The overall aim of the training is to improve the skills of police in planning, understanding of the human rights perspective and rule of law in public order management. Around eighty police officers from the Odesa region are expected to undergo the public order training by the end of January 2020.