“EUAM launch to be expected soon, still a lot of challenges to face”, — says Head of Mission Kalman Mizsei
October 27, 2014

Part of the EP delegation, led by Andrej Plenkovic (middle)
From 24 to 27 October 2014 a delegation of 14 Members of the European Parliament was visiting Ukraine to observe the 2014 parliamentary elections and to assess whether they are conducted according to countrys international commitments and national laws
The MPs visited Kyiv, Cherkasy, Odesa, Kharkiv and DnipropetrovskThe delegation, which is integrated in OSCE’s International Election Observation Mission, is led by Croatian MEP Andrej Plenkovic.
The parliamentarians had a number of meetings with the Ukranian electoral authorities, the main political actors, parties, civil society, media representatives and relevant EU and international actors.
EUAM Head of Mission Kalman Mizsei was invited by the EP delegation to give an update on the EUAM mandate and the challenges the mission has to address.
“EUAM currently is fully engaged in the required EU Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) planning dynamics. We expect the mission’s official launch for early December”, said Mizsei.
These days the mission’s main effort goes along three lines:
- providing advice and mentoring in the field of the civilian security sector reform strategy at the highest political and operational levels to ensure rapid development and delivery of the Ukrainian vision;
- supporting Ukrainian authorities helping them to coordinate and facilitating access to reform plans and projects from across the EU and other actors in the civilian security reform sector;
- supporting the Ukrainian authorities in delivering clear messages to the public regarding the nature and implementation of the reform.
EUAM whose headquarter is located in Kyiv also will reach out to the regions.
The mission that has an initial two year advisory, non-executive, civilian and unarmed mandate intends to work closely imbedded alongside its Ukrainian counterparts, local ownership being a key element to a positive outcome.