EUAM encourages culture of coordinated, consistent and clear government communication
May 25, 2017
A communications conference organised by the EU Advisory Mission today is bringing together senior officials from the Ukrainian government, policy makers, journalists, civil society representatives and communications professionals to discuss the state of play in government communication and solutions to current challenges.
“Ukraine is currently in transition. If the changes currently taking place are not communicated transparently, there is a risk that reforms will not be accepted and the reform process will stall or be reversed,” said Vineta Kleine EUAM Senior Adviser on Strategic Communications. “Effective communications encourages public involvement, builds credibility and increases public trust”.
The conference addresses questions such as how to communicate the implementation of policy, transmit information about the fight against corruption, react to a crisis and work with civil society and the media.
Keynote speakers and panellists include Ivan Miklos, Chairman of the Strategic Advisory Group for Support of Ukrainian Reforms, Uliana Suprun, Acting Minister of Health of Ukraine, Dmytro Stoliarchuk, Spokesperson of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Barbora Maronkova, Director, NATO Information and Documentation Centre and Mariana Betsa, Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.