EUAM discussed the realisation of the National strategy and Action plan on Human rights with Ministry of justice
October 23, 2015
The European Union Advisory Mission delegation headed by the Kalman Mizsei, the Head of the EUAM, met with the first Deputy Minister of Justice of Natalia Sevostianova in order to discuss the implementation of the National strategy and the Action Plan on human rights. Another focus of the meting was the cooperation between the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and EU.

Mr. Kalman Mizsei informed Nataliya Sevostianova about missions assistance on the preparation of the action plan of the national strategy, in which a particular daily involved in different groups of four experts and a willingness to continue to cooperate in the implementation of those provisions, which according to be reflected and approved the plan.
Nataliya Sevostianova told about the directions of the reform priorities for the Ministry of Justice, in particular in the area of legal aid, which is for EUAM in Ukraine is a priority for its institutional strengthening and enhancement.
The parties also discussed possible joint positions on cooperation in the next year.
Photo credits: press office of Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.