Enhanced Regional outreach, the second wave
September 03, 2015

Assessing the Regional dimension of the civilian security reform process, with all its hopes, needs and challenges. Seeking for change from the grass-roots. Paving the way for new cooperation, projects and strategic advice. A second wave of Enhanced Regional Outreach Mission was launched yesterday.
Dozens of EUAM’s officers went on board of eight cars from Kiev’s headquarters, towards four new destinations. After Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa and Lutsk, now it’s the time of Khmelnytskiy, Kherson, Rivne, Poltava.
“I’m proud that we can provide this kind of expertise to our regional interlocutors as regards with the reform agenda”, rejoiced Udo Moeller, the EUAM’s Head of Regional Outreach.
The four teams shall be deployed in those Oblasts until the end of September.