Continuous cooperation: EUAM Head of Mission meets new Head of the Security Service
August 11, 2015
The cooperation between the European Advisory Mission to Ukraine and the Ukrainian Security Service is ongoing since the mission’s first deployment day.

Kalman Mizsei, Head of EUAM now met Vasyl Hrytsak, the new SSU Chairman who expressed appreciation for EUAM’s support through trainings in the field of money laundering-, assets recovery- and bribery investigation.
The mission facilitated trainings for SSU run by the UK National Crime Agency and City of London Economic Crime Academy.
The Head of the Security Service also expressed his gratitude to EUAM which supported a meeting with EU Counter Terrorism Coordinator Gilles de Kerkhove.
Further contacts with the leadership of EUROPOL and EUROJUST are currently set up.
The topics discussed during the meeting touched upon the delineation of investigative powers between SSU and other law enforcement agencies in the field of crimes threatening state security, anti-corruption or illegal immigration and SSU’s support to the EUAM Outreach teams visiting the oblasts. Each time they travel the mission delegations will meet with SSU regional departments, which will support the process.
Both parties also agreed on a continuation of the cooperation in the field of strategic communication and information security.
Both heads agreed to meet accordingly on regular basis, to assess the cooperation progress between the EUAM advisors and their SSU counterparts.