From document keepers to dynamic career managers: EUAM delivers HR training at State Fiscal Service
March 15, 2018
Three one-day workshops delivered by the EU Advisory Mission Ukraine (EUAM) from 13-15 March 2018 in Kyiv have set out to help the State Fiscal Service (SFS) move towards a more dynamic way of handling HR matters.
In large institutions such as Ukraine’s State Fiscal Service, HR departments were traditionally formal and administrative. They would store records, deal with discipline and have little regular contact with staff. Modern career management philosophies however emphasise that HR departments play a key role in motivating managers and staff reach set objectives.
According to this way of seeing things, HR managers do not just file documents, but have a central function in the success of any organisation. They develop effective tools to interview and select the best staff, assess performance and integrate newcomers among other tasks. EUAM is advocating for all its Ukrainian partners to shift from a purely operational personnel management system to a comprehensive competency-based system.
“Any organisation wants to see its staff perform to the best of their ability. A modern approach to human resources is therefore essential in ensuring that the right people are selected and the best people progress to higher positions. It is particularly important to have achievable but ambitious Key Performance Indicators for staff. The State Fiscal Service has never done this before and consequently we have been assisting the institution develop these,” said Kestutis Leimonas, EUAM Strategic Customs Adviser.
Over the course of 2017, EUAM experts delivered similar trainings for the State Fiscal Service across Ukraine and one of the objectives of the recent training was also to refresh the knowledge of HR managers who had taken part in previous trainings. Conclusions and lessons from all of these sessions will be integrated into the activities of a EUAM-SFS Working Group. It is then planned that an HR Management Strategy for the whole SFS will be ready by the end of the year.