EUAM Ukraine Commences Operations Under New Three-Year Mandate
June 01, 2024
The European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM) Ukraine has officially begun its operations under a new and reinforced three-year mandate, following a decision by the EU Council of Ministers on 14 May 2024. This mandate will be in effect from 1 June 2024 to 31 May 2027.
Under the new mandate, EUAM Ukraine will concentrate on four key priorities to support the reform of Ukraine’s civilian security sector and build the capacity to respond to wartime challenges and post-war needs.
Civilian Security Sector Reform (CSSR): the Mission will intensify support to Ukrainian authorities at all levels in civilian security sector reform. A particular focus will be on implementing the Ukrainian Overarching Strategic Plan for Reform of the Law Enforcement Sector adopted by President Zelenskyy in May 2023.
Integrated Border Management (IBM): the Mission will support the Ukrainian authorities in improving border management, facilitating closer cooperation between involved agencies. Strengthening Ukraine’s capacities in Integrated Border Management is crucial for the country’s EU integration and for preventing and combating border-related and transnational crime, such as all forms of smuggling and trafficking in human beings, small arms, and light weapons (SALW). Additionally, the Mission will focus on maritime border management and security to assist Ukraine in aligning with EU and international standards, thereby boosting exports.
International Crimes (IC): the Mission will intensify support to Ukrainian authorities in the investigation and prosecution of international crimes committed in Ukraine. EUAM Ukraine will contribute to a broader international effort aimed at ensuring accountability for international crimes committed during the full-scale invasion, including by building Ukraine’s capacity to investigate and prosecute these crimes.
Liberated and Adjacent Territories (LAT): the Mission will intensify support to the Ukrainian authorities in re-establishing the rule of law and stabilisation in the liberated territories through capacity building of law enforcement agencies that are first to take control of liberated areas once the front moves on, and by promoting reintegration and social cohesion via community dialogue mechanisms.
The Mission will ensure that principles of Good Governance, Anti-Corruption, Human Rights and Gender Equality are integrated as cross-cutting measures. All of these are also key EU standards to meet for Ukraine on its path to EU accession.
EUAM Ukraine’s mandate is implemented through three primary lines of operation: providing strategic advice on civilian security sector reform, particularly in developing strategic documents and legislation; delivering operational support for the implementation of reforms through capacity building, training, and practical support for the civilian security sector; and enhancing cooperation and coordination mechanisms to support Ukrainian partners in developing cohesive and effective systems at both national and international levels.
Head of EUAM Ukraine, Rolf Holmboe, outlines the main working strands and new tasks the Mission has received from the EU Member States under the new mandate: