EUAM Ukraine: 10 Years of Partnership and Progress

July 22, 2024

Today, the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM) in Ukraine proudly marks its tenth anniversary. Established on July 22, 2014, by the EU Council of Ministers in the wake of the Euromaidan, EUAM began its operations in December of the same year. This Mission was created to support Ukraine in reforming its civilian security sector and advancing its process of EU integration.

Over the past decade, EUAM has been instrumental in helping Ukraine navigate through numerous challenges. In February 2022, when Russia launched its unprovoked and unjustified aggression, EUAM stepped up its efforts, taking on more responsibilities to support Ukraine. By June 2022, the mission was significantly strengthened to intensify its support, focusing on two main operational strands.

Firstly, EUAM is dedicated to assisting Ukraine on its path towards EU membership. This involves supporting essential reforms in the civilian security sector to meet EU standards and norms. A significant emphasis is placed on eradicating corruption, ensuring good governance, and building strong democratic oversight.

Secondly, EUAM supports Ukraine in facing the massive wartime challenges. The mission is committed to ensuring that war crimes committed in Ukraine are recognised and punished. Additionally, EUAM supports law enforcement agencies in stabilising and reintegrating liberated territories and provides necessary training and equipment.

EUAM also partners with Ukrainian agencies to strengthen integrated border management on land and at sea, aligning with EU Schengen and Customs standards. The fight against organized crime and smuggling is another joint priority for both Ukraine and EU Member States.

As we celebrate this milestone, EUAM remains committed to standing with Ukraine and supporting its journey towards a brighter future within the European family. We are here to stay and proud to support Ukraine through these challenging times.