EUAM supports the EU Security and Defence Policy course in Kyiv
October 28, 2021
The European Union’s ‘Common Security and Defence Policy’ (CSDP) missions and operations with particular focus on the EU Advisory Mission (EUAM) Ukraine was the topic of the a presentation delivered by the Deputy Head of EUAM, Fredrik Wesslau, during the CSDP Orientation Course held in Kyiv this week.
The CSDP Orientation Course is the main training activity of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC). It is organised several times per year in EU capitals and partnership countries to provide the participants with a thorough knowledge of the European Union, its security strategies, CSDP missions and operations and their structures and procedures, as well as capability development within the EU environment.
“Ukraine is the perfect location to discuss the External Action of the EU and the remarkable effort done by the EU to support of countries in the Eastern Neighbourhood”, said Fredrik Wesslau. “CSDP Is an important element of the EU toolbox to address the reform and development of countries in its neighbourhood, as part of the EU integrated approach to support fragile, post-conflict and crisis environments”.
The course reflected such topics as hybrid threats, cyber security, conflict analysis and foresight. It also expanded networking opportunities for professionals from EU and the EU Eastern Partnership countries working in the civilian and defence sectors.
Since 2014, the European Union, Austria and Ukraine has conducted an annual ‘European week’ under the auspices of ESDC at the National Defence University of Ukraine. The 2021 edition of the ‘European Week” was organised with the support of EUAM Ukraine. More than 300 people took part in this year’s events.