EUAM’s statement regarding the selection process for the new managerial positions in the SBI
July 18, 2018
EUAM takes note of a number of serious allegations against certain candidates to the managerial positions of the State Bureau of Investigation. These allegations have been voiced by representatives of the civil society and mass media, amid the ongoing process of selection in the Commission responsible for selecting the top management of SBI. The allegations pertain to serious violations of human rights reportedly committed by some of the candidates, as well as concerns over possible corruption offences and their integrity risks.
We believe that personnel selected for SBI should be individuals of the highest professional and moral standing. This is key to building the public trust of the SBI: as any new law enforcement agency, it has still to earn confidence of the citizens of Ukraine.
EUAM is currently observing the selection of the SBI personnel limited to the selection administered by the two internal Selection Commissions of SBI. Our involvement does not cover the selection administered by the external Commission, according to an agreement with the SBI regarding the selection observation.