EUAM marks the Day of Unity with Ukrainians and in Ukraine

February 17, 2022

On February 16, Head of the EU Advisory Mission (EUAM), Antti Hartikainen, joined President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and EU Ambassadors in Mariupol in order to celebrate the Day of Unity there.

Голова КМЄС Антті Хартікайнен та Президент України Володимир Зеленський

Volodymyr Zelenskiy called on Ukrainians to fly flags and sing the national anthem in unison on February 16. The date, which some Western media reported was a potential date of Russian attack, was declared “Unity Day” by President Zelenskyy last Monday.

The message of EUAM’s support reached out to people of Mariupol earlier the day, when Mission Members from EUAM’s regional Field Office in Mariupol celebrated the Day of Unity together with them, singing the Ukrainian anthem on the city streets.

КМЄС у Маріуполі на День єднання

EUAM mission members in Kyiv also joined the call of Volodymyr Zelenskyy and sang the anthem of Ukraine to show solidarity with the people of the country.

Furthermore, ways to strengthen support to Ukraine topped the agenda of meetings of Deputy Head of EUAM, Fredrik Wesslau with Ukraine’s Parliament EU Integration Committee, as well as with the Committee on National Defence, Security of the Verkhovna Rada. Fredrik Wesslau also met with First Deputy Minister of Interior, Eugene Yenin, to explore how EUAM can further support the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and law enforcement agencies with their contingency planning.

Перший заступник міністра внутрішніх справ Євген Єнін та заступник голови КМЄС Фредрік Весслау

In the morning, Head of EUAM Antti Hartikainen, together with EU Ambassadors, laid flowers to the Wall of Remembrance in Kyiv for fallen defenders of Ukraine to pay tribute to the brave service members, and all of those, who paid the highest price for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Голова КМЄС Антті Хартікайнен

EUAM Field Office in Odesa took part in the Day of Unity celebrations and flag-raising ceremony, which took place on the docking of ships and boats of the Odesa Marine Guard Detachment. Alongside the commander of the detachment Roman Magera, crews of ships and boats of marine border guards, Mission members expressed their support and solidarity with Ukraine.

EUAM Field Offices in Kharkiv and Lviv also reached to partners on the Day of Unity, reiterating Mission’s support to them. EUAM continues to work in Kyiv and four of its Field Offices in Lviv, Mariupol, Odesa and Kharkiv for the success of the civilian security sector reform. Our ultimate goal is to see it efficient, accountable and enjoying public trust.

Керівник регіонального представництва КМЄС у Львові Ханнелоре Вальєр та офіцери патрульної поліції Львівщини