EUAM initiatives help to build partnership between police and community in Mariupol
April 08, 2021
The Head of European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM), Antti Hartikainen, is in Donetsk region this week to initiate a few major projects in support of law-enforcement institutions in Mariupol.
At a ceremony at the Donetsk Law Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs earlier today, Mr Hartikainen handed over a curriculum on community policing developed by the mission’s experts together with the Canadian Police Mission; the mission also equipped a Community Policing Centre at the Institute, which will contribute to the education of a new generation of community-oriented police officers. EUAM furnished and provided IT equipment for the space, which is comprised of a training and conference room, worth a total of almost EUR 10,000.
Community policing is key to improving police-public relations and harmonization with EU standards. EUAM developed the ‘Curriculum on Community Policing’ in close cooperation with the Canadian Police Mission, and plans to train the first 15 teachers of the Institute as soon as May.
“EUAM supports the Community Policing Centre’s aim to bring students, scientists, police, civil society organisations, local authorities and other stakeholders together to share experiences, generate ideas and develop innovative solutions,” said Mr Hartikainen. “It is my hope and belief that EUAM’s donation of equipment and curricula will allow police and cadets to acquire knowledge, skills and modern perspectives on a service-minded and citizen-oriented approach in policing.”
EUAM has also equipped the new ‘Open Police Hub’, aimed at improving communication and interaction between police and Mariupol residents. The space is intended to host joint events, discussions, training as well as creating a safe environment in close cooperation between citizens and law enforcement. The worth of the donated IT equipment and stationary appliances is approx EUR 10,500.
The ‘Open Police Hub’ is a tool for improving cooperation with the community and increasing the level of community involvement, where police officers and active citizens of Mariupol can start a dialogue on searching for solutions in the area of security.
“The ‘Open Police Hub’ is the first community centre in Mariupol city to facilitate dialogue between police and civil society,” said Mr Hartikainen. “By establishing new types and channels of interactions and cooperation between police, civil society, citizens and international partners, this ‘Open Police Hub’ has the potential to be a leading agent in increasing public trust in the police.”
Earlier this week EUAM also donated IT, video and photo equipment to the press team of the National Police in Donetsk region worth approx EUR 7,000. This donation of cutting-edge equipment is aimed at improving the communication capacities and public outreach of the police in Donetsk.