EUAM helps SBGS launch info campaign to address smuggling in western Ukraine
February 11, 2021
As part of EUAM Ukraine’s support to Ukrainian Civilian Security Sector institutions in the field of strategic communications, the State Border Guard Service launched an information campaign entitled ‘Smuggling is an illegal activity, not earnings’.
Every year smuggling causes significant damage to the state budget in Ukraine. Quite often people can’t see a connection between smuggling and the problems it causes both on a local and on a national level. The tax money that could be spent on healthcare or education, does not go to the government budget. The aim of the campaign is to inform citizens of the Transcarpathian and Chernivtsi regions that smuggling not only devastates the national budget but also contributes to the growth of corruption, hinders the European vector of the country’s development, and negatively affects its international reputation.
“We are sure that by supporting the SBGS`s efforts to communicate with the public in an honest, transparent and accountable way, we can not only change the way people perceive the organisation itself but also their attitude towards unlawful behaviour, such as smuggling,” highlighted EUAM Strategic Communications Advisor Ilmar Kahro, “With this campaign, we are trying to make the connection between smuggling and people’s own well-being, and provide suggestions on how they can help by preventing the smuggling from happening.”
Gaining public trust is an essential task for any state agency and conducting information campaigns is an effective way to communicate with citizens. The SBGS has performed well in 2020. According to the all-Ukrainian public opinion survey conducted by EUAM in autumn 2020 to determine the attitude of the Ukrainian population towards civilian security sector institutions, the level of trust towards the SBGS is 50%.
To learn more about campaign SBGS website or follow SBGS Facebook page