EUAM funded textbooks to standardise criminal-analysis education in Ukraine
December 08, 2020
In line with the concept of intelligence-led policing (ILP), which EUAM Ukraine has been advising on since 2015, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIA) has introduced mandatory classes in criminal analysis starting this new academic year 2020-2021.
To support this initiative, EUAM Ukraine coordinated with the State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIA) together with Odesa MoIA Institute, National Academy of Internal Affairs and NPU Criminal Analysis Department (CAD) to create two textbooks. The Mission printed 500 copies of each that have now been dispatched to all MoIA universities, MoIA State Research Institute and NPU CAD and its regional offices in July 2020.
Even though no standardised countrywide curricula is prescribed in the Ukrainian education system in general, the two books (‘Basics of Criminal Analysis’ and ‘Tactical Criminal Analysis, Theory and Practice’) will support the efforts to standardise education in criminal analysis throughout Ukraine, as well as the further implementation and development of criminal analysis and ILP.