EUAM facilitated first-aid training for officers of the National Police working close to combat zones and liberated areas
December 21, 2022
Due to the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine, many counterparts of the EU Advisory Mission Ukraine (EUAM) are operating in high-risk areas.
In such environments, Ukrainian emergency services are sometimes overloaded. More than ever, civilian security services need high-level first aid skills and equipment to perform their duties.
To meet this need, the EUAM facilitated a first aid training for 18 police officers from the National Police of Ukraine. The training was financed and organised by the Swedish Police and conducted by a team of instructors from the NGO Tactical Medicine North.
During the two-day training, the participants were taught how to work in areas close to occupied or recently liberated territories. They were also trained to provide help according to the standard of medical assistance commonly called Tactical Combat Casualty Care.
The police officers practiced their skills through scenario exercises, learning how to provide medical assistance and treat injuries.