EUAM coordinated priorities in western Ukraine during the war period
November 28, 2022
On 25 November, the EUAM Head of Operations, Lynn Sheehan, visited the Field Office Lviv to engage with interlocutors on priorities in western Ukraine and ways to adjust the Mission’s support in the best way possible during the war period.
She discussed the documenting of war crimes, notably the quality of collected evidence, and cross-border crimes, including human trafficking and smuggling of cultural heritage, with representatives of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Lviv region.
“Accountability for international crimes and integrated border management are key priorities of the EUAM. We will continue building the resilience of our partners in these areas. We will also continue to focus on the areas of organised crime and smuggling,” she noted.
Representatives of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs (police academy) voiced appreciation for training and other joint activities EUAM provides. Experience exchange and cascading EU best practices are especially valuable to cadets and police officers from the Lviv region, who are working on rotation in liberated areas, helping to maintain public order there.
Advocacy projects, including mediation in criminal proceedings and within communities, were the topics with another long-standing partner of the Field Office – Lviv Regional Centre for Providing Free Legal Aid.