EUAM continues its support towards the National Security of Ukraine and EU integration

May 20, 2024

On 20 May, EUAM Head of Mission Rolf Holmboe met with the Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine (NSDC) Oleksandr Lytvynenko to discuss priority issues relating to the national security of Ukraine.

The Head of Mission congratulated Mr Lytvynenko on his new position and confirmed EUAM’s continued support to the Council. They discussed cooperation in support of the overall reform process of Ukraine towards EU membership and alsoconcrete areas of support to the NSDC and to the security architecture of Ukraine.

Over the past several years, EUAM Ukraine has had the privilege of fostering a productive partnership with the Office of NSDC, as well as the organisations falling directly under the structure of NSDC such as the National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre and the Centre for Countering Disinformation. EUAM is eager to continue support under the Mission’s new and reinforced mandate from June 2024 to May 2027.

EUAM will reinforce support to Ukraine on its path towards joining the EU, including the important reform processes that are about to be undertaken throughout the civilian security sector. EUAM will strengthen its support to the reform processes and to the NSDC which plays a key constitutional role as the policy level coordinator within national security. EUAM will continue support to NSDC in further strengthening the key functions of strategic analysis, cybersecurity, counteracting disinformation and hybrid threats, strategic communications, and critical infrastructure protection. These are important elements for strengthening the national security of Ukraine”EUAM Head of Mission Rolf Holmboe said.