EUAM and MoIA agree on new projects and ways to extend cooperation next year
December 22, 2021
On 21 December, Head of the EU Advisory Mission, Antti Hartikainen, met with Ukraine’s Minister of Interior, Denys Monastyrskyi, in order to review ongoing projects and define ways to accelerate reform in the civilian security sector.
The Ministry of Interior (MoIA) is EUAM’s number one strategic partner, as it mainstreams activities of the main law enforcement agencies in the country. Head of EUAM reiterated one of the EU’s high priorities, particularly, the need to reinforce anti-corruption policies within all MoIA agencies.
The Minister of Interior thanked EUAM for its consistent and professional support for reform efforts, which “allow MoIA to adapt to new challenges and bring the system closer to EU standards”. Mr Monastyrskyi also underlined EUAM’s input into improvement of coordination and interaction between Ukraine’s law enforcement agencies. Besides that, Minister of Interior highlighted EUAM’s technical support, and, particularly, Mission’s assistance in the Donetsk region provided by its Field Office in Mariupol.
Heads of MoIA and EUAM agreed to intensify cooperation on the expert level, as well as on the nation-wide implementation of the Community Policing model, as it remains among key priorities for the Ministry and the Mission.
Implementation of the Custody Record System nation-wide is another priority for MoIA. It is a modern digital police system primarily designed to prevent the improper treatment of detained individuals. It includes information/video records of all stages of detention, and measures taken towards arrested individuals, thereby enhancing human rights; but it also strengthens protection mechanisms for police officers themselves, by among other things mitigating against false accusations.
The recent launch of the Community Safety Dialogue in Odesa, Lviv and Mariupol was among other key topics of the meeting. The Minister expressed support for the nation-wide roll-out of the concept, as it aimed at enhancing trust between civil society and law enforcement agencies (LEAs). The new initiative provides a sustainable platform for frank exchange of views and cooperation.
The enhancement of the Road Traffic Safety with a package of the legislative amendments, integration of Public Order training for the National Police and National Guard, as well as EUAM’s additional regional border advisory support for the Integrated Border Management (IBM) were among the other highlights of the meeting.