EU transfers state-of-the-art ICT equipment to improve capacity of NPU
January 24, 2020
ICT equipment worth more than EUR 350,000 was provided by the European Union thorough the Support the Rule of Law Reforms in Ukraine in the Areas of Police and Public Prosecution and Good Governance (PRAVO Police) Project and was successfully delivered and installed.
EU support will enable the police to become more efficient and effective, which will in turn mean safer and more secure Ukrainian cities, communities, streets and roads. It is expected to substantially enhance the reliability, performance and resiliency of the National Police of Ukraine (NPU) IT solutions and services, including reducing “102” emergency response time. The equipment will enhance the capacity of 45,000 police officers across Ukraine, including patrol officers
Earlier PRAVO Police has delivered high-performance computers, printers and other IT equipment to the Strategic Investigations Department of the National Police of Ukraine (NPU) that works to detect, prevent and combat organized crime and criminal organizations in close coordination with other law enforcement agencies.
The Support for Rule of Law Reforms in Ukraine in the areas of Police, Public Prosecution and Good Governance (PRAVO Police) project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in coordination with the EU Advisory Mission (EUAM).
The overall objective of the Project is to contribute to reform of the Rule of Law system in Ukraine and to align its functioning with the best European Union and International practices.
PRAVO Police assists the National Police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in reforming public order management and criminal investigation systems, modernising pre-trial investigation frameworks aimed at combating cybercrime and serious and organised crimes, introducing community and intelligence-led policing (ILP) models, establishing an effective witness protection system, enhancing police collaboration with the Interpol and Europol, and enhancing its professional development and upgrading training system.
Reformed police units and departments will be equipped with vehicles, protective gear, radios, video recording devices, forensic equipment, IT solutions and work in renovated offices in line with the European Union law-enforcement standards.