Better leaders are better influencers: EUAM takes senior MoIA officials to Geneva for leadership training
September 21, 2017
The European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM) this week took a delegation of senior representatives from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (MoIA) to Geneva as part of the ‘Leading the Change’ capacity-building programme that began over the summer.
Two separate sessions, one on Strategic Foresight and the other on Leadership, were delivered by the Geneva Center for Security Policy, and focused on how to develop and apply a strategic foresight skill-set, how to lead and influence teams, how to create a sustainable decisions in uncertain and rapidly changing context, how to design purpose-driven processes. The training also examined emerging security challenges and foresight methodologies.
“We in EUAM believe that it is essential to pre-condition strong strategic policy capacities of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs,” said Laidi Surva, the EUAM Lead Advisor on Good Governance. “We also hope that the world’s best practices shared at the Geneva training will be applied in the process of developing an Action Plan for MoIA’s Strategy-2020, which we worked on closely with all of the Ministry’s sub-agencies.”
EUAM representatives expressed the hope that participants of the training would pass on the knowledge gained in Geneva to their colleagues. The ‘Leading the Change’ programme is designed to bolster the capacity of civilian security agencies under the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs to undertake measures of reform.