EUAM experts advise future police officers on how to manage conflicts on the ground
August 19, 2022
The European Union Advisory Mission in Ukraine continues to share international best practices with future police officers. This week, 30 future police investigators from the Odesa State University of Internal Affairs, a higher police training academy, got an opportunity to join the lecture on conflict management conducted by EUAM Adviser Martins Tols.
“Mediation is a conflict resolution strategy which police officers can apply almost in every sphere: in family and work environment or during minor criminal offenses. – highlighted Martins Tols. – Every future police officer should understand the basic principles and techniques of mediation to use them on the ground. It saves time, money, and nerves.”
EUAM expert explained to cadets how to find a quick solution to manage conflict situations and prevent parties’ emotional reactions during the conflict. The participants discussed where mediation could be applied, its benefits, and the significant challenges of its integration into the routine work of the Ukrainian police.
The EUAM educational sessions for the students of the Odesa State University of Internal Affairs will continue in the future. On the Ukrainian way to European integration, EUAM is proud to support the educational institutions of Ukraine’s civilian security services by sharing European experience and standards with the young generation of police officers.