‘Without solid analyses it is hard to carry out police work,’ says EUAM deputy head at intelligence-led policing event
December 05, 2018
The European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM) yesterday carried out a roundtable in Kyiv dedicated to assisting the National Police of Ukraine (NPU) and Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIA) with delineation of analytical competences/functions in the police, which is part of the concept of intelligence-led policing (ILP).
EUAM invited the Deputy Head of Romanian Police, Mr Wili Apreutesei (pictured above), to the roundtable to outline to Ukrainian attendees the Romanian model of ILP that has already proved to be effective, reflects EU best practices and could also be instructive for Ukraine. Those in attendance – over 30 participants from NPU HQ, as well as representatives of the MoIA and its Scientific and Research Institute, universities from Kyiv and Odesa – expressed their ideas and concerns, and agreed on further projects on delineation of analytical competences and ILP solutions.
ILP is the cornerstone of modern-day policing that emphasizes proactive and preventative over reactive methodology, ensuring that crime fighters are “one step ahead” of criminals. Information that comes to the police must be collated, analysed and disseminated. The analysis and interpretation of this information then informs police reaction and policy, and allows the police to target resources where those resources are needed most. EUAM has been advising on ILP for the NPU, MoIA and other law-enforcement agencies, and encouraging a clear delineation of analytical competencies between NPU departments, which would avoid overlapping of tasks and eventually provide better service for citizens.
“Without solid analyses, it is hard to carry out police work, whether it comes to public order, criminal investigation or crime prevention,” said Fredrik Wesslau, Deputy Head of EUAM at the event today. “Our mission has been advising the NPU and MoIA on the elaboration of an ILP Concept for the last two years because we want Ukrainian police to have efficient and effective analytical competences in accordance with EU best practices.”
As a next step, EUAM has proposed a joint EUAM-NPU-MoIA working group on the delineation of analytical competences and harmonization of analytical functions within the NPU.

Fredrik Wesslau, Deputy Head of EUAM Ukraine